When to replace ColorBond barge boards & paint a tile roof


Roofs that are not maintained will perish. You will find that tile roofs that are not waterproofed and painted regularly will start to crack and the tiles will break. Tiles will start separating because of insufficient and failing waterproofing. Because of waterproofing failing the roof will start to leak water. Damp will form inside the roof and mould will grow. The occupants will fall ill from the mould and repairs will be expensive.

Description of the condition of the property

The owner of this property has his property on a strict maintenance plan. The maintenance team of Tremco is called out every 5 years when his guarantee expires.


Small repairs on the roof are easily tackled and even waterproofing material replacement is a breeze.

Possible outcome

When a roof is not maintained regularly it will fail and the property falls into ruans.


It was suggested that the roof needs to be washed down, old waterproofing replaced and that a fresh coat of paint be applied.

Work was done

Tremco’s expert maintenance team cleaned the roof using a high-pressure hose. Barge boards, as well as waterproofing, were replaced where necessary. The roof was then painted with a quality UV resistant paint.

Roof repairs on a tile roof
Roof repairs on a tile roof
Flashing waterproofed
Flashing waterproofed
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of a tile roof
Roof repairs, waterproofing and painting of a tile roof
Flashing repaired, waterproof and painted
Flashing repaired, waterproof and painted
Tile roof waterproofed and painted
Tile roof waterproofed and painted
Tile roof waterproofed and painted
Tile roof waterproofed and painted


The newly renovated roof will now not only add to the property’s esthetics but is good to serve its purpose for the next 5 years.


The occupants can rest assured that they will be protected from the element. Tremco issued another 5-year guarantee certificate on the roof covering all material and workmanship.

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